“Gloucestershire Parent Carer Forum is a voice for those with lived experience of being a Parent Carer (This means parents and/or carers of children with any disability, SEN, condition, impairment or additional need). We can create a bridge to the providers of statutory services to help build better services for all families of disabled children in Gloucestershire.”
"Listen to Me" social meet ups in your area - check out our Dates for your Diary section
A chance to meet up with other families of disabled children for peer to peer support and to share your views on the services your families need
Families in Partnership
The Parent Carer Forum has partnered with Gloucestershire County Council to share this key information leaflet for Parent Carers.
If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch with us so we can pass these on. We are engaging in weekly Q and A sessions with GCC and the CCG to provide up to date information and guidance.
You can email us: info@glosparentcarerforum.org.uk
or contact us via our Facebook Page or the Forum Discussion Group
The best way to be kept up to date and to help get the voice of Parent Carers heard is join the forum as a member. Click below to join the forum (membership is free)
Join other parent carers for friendly meet ups, share you views, make new friends, and get support and information.
Receive regular newsletters, join our online chat group, find out about other services.
Membership is free
Add your voice to our work to improve services for all children with additional needs, SEN and disabilities in Gloucestershire.
What is parent participation?
Parent carers are in a good position to identify issues regularly experienced by families with disabled children (including those with any kind of physical, learning or sensory impairment, disability, additional need, long term health condition or SEND). Sharing this knowledge with professionals as they plan services to meet disabled children’s needs is a valuable way for Parent Carers to participate in the development of better services and support.
Parent Carer participation occurs when parents and professionals work together, recognising each other’s expert knowledge, to design, develop and improve services for disabled children in the local area.
The forum is led by a committee of parent carer volunteers who will work to ensure parent participation is supported and facilitated across services in the county. If you would like to support the forum by joining our committee please get in touch via email. The committee will generally meet once a month to plan the forum’s next projects and reflect on current work. We are a Community Interest Company with a board of Directors, all of whom are parent carers. The forum does not share Parent Carer details with other organisations, you will only be contacted by the forum using the details you provide when you register.
email: info@glosparentcarerforum.org.uk to find out more.
Information and guidance for young people in Gloucestershire about education, employment, housing, support and well being.
You're Welcome - Gloucestershire's inclusive online community and activities directory
Gloucestershire Carers Hub - Register as a Parent Carer and access free well being sessions, training and support
Glos Families Directory - including The Local Offer with information about services for disabled children and their families