Currently, the Gloucestershire local offer contains a wealth of information but feedback consistently confirms that it is not very easy to navigate and does need to be updated. Some of the information is difficult to understand and includes jargon. It also does not include enough local information or eligibility criteria for services available in the area. Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) is looking to work with parent carers to redevelop the local offer to ensure that it meets their needs.
A number of local authorities have redeveloped their local offers and, as a first stage of the redevelopment project, GCC are proposing a review of other offers to identify whether there are any that could be used as model, in part or as a whole. They are looking for parent carers who would be willing to spend some time looking at local offers during August and feedback on their findings either via Google forms and/or at a feedback meeting on 27 September.
Your input into the project would be invaluable and this can be tailored to the amount of time you have available. It could be a review of one local offer, or a range of offers, if you have capacity. A number of local offers that have been recommended have been listed but you are free to search for others.
Somerset – Home (somerset.gov.uk)
Leicestershire – Special educational needs and disability | Leicestershire County Council
South Gloucestershire – SEND Local Offer | South Gloucestershire (southglos.gov.uk)
Portsmouth – Home > Portsmouth Local Offer
Shropshire – The SEND local offer | Shropshire Council
Kent – Kent’s local offer
Devon – Devon SEND local offer
Local Offer Review |
Feedback form for review of local offers |